Israeli Forces Demolish Mosque near Nablus

Israeli occupation authorities Thursday morning demolished a mosque in the town of Duma, near the occupied West Bank of Nablus, the official Palestinian news agency WAFA reported.

Ghassan Daghlas, an official who monitors illegal Jewish settlements in the northern West Bank, told WAFA that Israeli forces escorted a bulldozer into the town and tore down a mosque that has been attended by worshippers for two years, east of the town.

Daghlas added that the occupation forces also razed agricultural roads in the southern part of the town.

The Palestinian Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs slammed the mosque demolition as a clear act of aggression against Muslim holy sites and an act of provocation against Muslim sentiments.

The “Civil Administration” is the name Israel gives to the body administering its military occupation of the West Bank.

Soldiers in the oxymoronically named Civil Administration determine where Palestinians may live, where and when they may travel (including to other parts of the occupied territories like Gaza and East Jerusalem), whether they can build or expand homes on their own land, whether they own that land at all, whether an Israeli settler can takeover that land among others.

(WAFA, PC, Social Media)

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