Hunger Striking Palestinian Prisoner to Hospital after His Health Deteriorates

Palestinian prisoner Louay Al-Ashkar was moved to the Ramle prison hospital on Wednesday after his health took a turn for the worse as he continued his hunger strike for 47 days, official Palestinian sources reported.

The Prisoners Information Office confirmed that Al-Ashkar was transferred from Al-Jalama prison to the Ramle prison hospital. He is one of two prisoners who remain on strike.

Hisham Abu Hawash is now on the 101st day of his hunger strike against his administrative detention. Family sources affirmed that Abu Hawash’s hearing was postponed once again for five days.

Earlier on Monday, two Palestinian prisoners suspended the hunger strikes they launched months ago against Israel’s policy of administrative detention.

Kayed Fasfous, 34, ended his 131-day-long strike after reaching a deal with Israeli prison authorities to free him on December 14.

Ayyad Al-Harimi, 28, also stopped his 61-day hunger strike after Israel agreed to release him in March 2021 at the end of his current detention period.

Last week, Meqdad Qawasmeh and Alaa Al-Arej also suspended their months-long hunger strike after Israeli authorities agreed to end their administrative detention.

Administrative detention is a policy that allows Israel to hold Palestinians for months and even years without charge or trial, in total violation of the prisoners’ right to due process.

Israel currently holds 4,650 Palestinians, including 34 women, 160 children, and 500 administrative detainees.

(MEMO, PC, Social Media)

The post Hunger Striking Palestinian Prisoner to Hospital after His Health Deteriorates appeared first on Palestine Chronicle.

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