Report: Palestinian Teen Kidnapped, Tortured by Jewish Settlers near Jenin

The Israeli human rights group B’Tselem has detailed the horrific story of a Palestinian teenager who was kidnapped and tortured by a group of Jewish settlers in the occupied West Bank about two months ago, in a report released last week.

On August 17, 15-year-old Tareq Zubeidi and five of his friends decided to go for a picnic near their village of Silat a-Daher, in the Jenin province in the northern West Bank.

When the Palestinian teens arrived at the area – located around 350 meters from the site of the illegal settlement of Homesh, evacuated in 2005 – they  noticed six Jewish settlers advancing towards them. The teens panicked and fled the scene. At least one of the settlers threw stones at them, according to the report.

Zubeidi, whose leg was injured just two weeks prior to the incident, couldn’t keep up with his friends, who managed to escape back to their village, B’tselem added.

“The settlers drove towards me and hit me with their car, and I fell to the ground. The car stopped, and four settlers got out. Some were holding sticks. They attacked me and hit me in the shoulder, legs, and back,” Zubeidi told the rights group.

According to Zubeidi, the settlers bound his hands and feet and chained him to the hood of their car, before driving him to Homesh. Then, they slammed on the brakes, causing him to fall to the ground.

“Some of the settlers who were there ran over to me and started kicking me. One settler approached me and pepper-sprayed me in the face. It hurt and stung, and I screamed in pain. Then one of the settlers brought a piece of cloth and tied it over my eyes,” Zbeidi recounted.

The Palestinian teen said he heard the Jewish settlers cursing at him in Arabic and Hebrew, and though his eyes were blindfolded, he felt some of the settlers spit on him.

The settlers then continued to kick a terrified Zubeidi, before hanging him from a tree, wounding and burning his feet.

“I was left hanging like that for about five minutes, with my eyes covered. I felt them cutting and rubbing the skin of my left foot with a sharp object. I was in so much pain. I couldn’t take it. Suddenly, I felt a strong burn on my right foot, from a lighter or something similar. It lasted a few seconds. I screamed and cried in pain and fear. It wasn’t until then that they took me down from the tree,” Zubeidi said.

That’s when one of the settlers struck Zubeidi in the head with a stick, causing him to lose consciousness.

According to B’Tselem, shortly after this, the settlers were approached by a group of Israeli soldiers in a military jeep. The settlers handed Zubeidi over to the soldiers, alleging that the former threw stones at them.

When Zubeidi regained consciousness, he was lying on the floor of the military jeep. At that point, he said one of the soldiers threatened him, saying that if he was throwing stones, the settlers would come to his house and arrest him, the report added.

The soldier then handed Zubeidi his phone, at which point an unidentified man who spoke Arabic — purportedly an Israeli intelligence officer, according to Zubeidi’s uncle — also threatened Zubeidi, saying that “they knew everything about me and that if anyone threw stones at the settlers, he’d come to my house and arrest me.”

A short while later, Zubeidi’s uncle and older brother came and got him from the soldiers, put him in a Palestinian ambulance, and took him to a hospital in Jenin.

“I was taken to the ER, where I was examined and X-rayed. They found bruises and wounds on my shoulder, back, and legs, as well as wounds and burns on my feet. I stayed there until the next afternoon, and then I was discharged,” Zubeidi said, adding that after he was discharged, his body was sore and he couldn’t walk because of the cuts and burns on his feet.

According to B’Tselem, while the Homesh settlement was evacuated in 2005, it has maintained a near constant presence of settlers in the area since, “with security forces allowing them to stay there and attack Palestinians.”

B’Tselem noted that the attack on Zubeidi was the tenth settler attack on Palestinians near the settlement documented by the group since the beginning of 2020.

(WAFA, PC, Social Media)

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