Palestinian Prisoner Enters 62nd Day of Hunger Strike in Israeli Prison

Hunger striking Palestinian prisoner Al-Ghadanfar Abu Atwan has entered the 62nd day of his strike in protest of being held on administrative detention by the occupation.

He announced yesterday that he will now abstain from drinking water.

Twenty-eight-year-old Abu Atwan began his strike on May 5 and has refused all forms of food or supplements since.

Highlighting his case, the Arab League warned Israel of “dangerous repercussions” of violating the very basic rights of prisoners.

In a statement, the Assistant Secretary-General and Head of the Palestinian and Occupied Arab Territories Sector at the Arab League, Dr. Saeed Abu Ali, denounced the Israeli occupation for constantly disregarding “the right to life and humanitarian legal standards” for incarcerated Palestinian prisoners.

He called on international and regional organizations to pressure Israel to release and save the lives of hunger-striking detainees, Abu Atwan and Eyad Harbiyat, before it is too late.

(MEMO, PC, Social Media)

The post Palestinian Prisoner Enters 62nd Day of Hunger Strike in Israeli Prison appeared first on Palestine Chronicle.

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