Embattled Abbas Seeks Erdogan’s Help to End Criticism of Palestinian Authority

During a meeting in Istanbul held on Sunday, Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas asked Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to stop Hamas’s incitement against the PA.

Both leaders discussed the latest developments in the Palestinian arena during the meeting, including the unstable situation due to the anti-PA demonstrations in the occupied West Bank and the continuous Israeli aggression on Palestinians.

PA sources reported that Abbas arrived in Istanbul on Friday night for a three-day visit at the invitation of Erdogan.

Due to Erdogan’s good relations with Hamas, Abbas asked him to pressure the Palestinian movement to stop incitement against the PA, according to Palestinian sources.

Abbas and his aides claim that Hamas is fueling the anti-PA and Fatah campaign that erupted in the occupied West Bank in the wake of the PA murder of Palestinian activist Nizar Banat.

Thousands of Palestinians from all political backgrounds have protested throughout the West Bank against widespread PA repression, calling for the immediate resignation of Abbas, while some calling for the dismantling of the Palestinian Authority altogether.

These unprecedented protests have alienated the PA even further, as Abbas has been struggling to hold onto power in the wake of the Palestinian revolt and the Israeli war on Gaza last May.

(Palestine Chronicle, MEMO, Social Media)

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