PPS Attorney Files Petition for Transfer of Hunger-striking Prisoner to Palestinian Hospitals (VIDEOS)

The Palestinian Prisoner’s Society (PPS) attorney, Jawad Boulos said a petition has been filed to the Israeli occupation’s prosecution for the transfer of hunger-striking Palestinian prisoner Ghadanfar Abu Atwan to Palestinian hospitals, following serious deterioration on his health in Israeli custody.

A recent medical report issued by doctors at the Israeli Kaplan Medical Center affirmed that Abu Atwan, who has been on a hunger strike for the 56th day in a row in protest of being placed under administrative detention without charge or trial, is facing several dangerous health concerns, including risking total paralysis, developing a long-term chronic health problem that may not have a cure, and the risk of sudden death.

Over the years, Israel has placed thousands of Palestinians in administrative detention for prolonged periods of time, without trying them, without informing them of the charges against them, and without allowing them or their counsel to examine the evidence.

Palestinian detainees have continuously resorted to open-ended hunger strikes as a way to protest their illegal administrative detention and to demand an end to this policy which violates international law.

(WAFA, PC, Social Media)

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