Palestine Journalists Syndicate Urges Mass Media to Boycott PA (VIDEO)

Following violent aggression against journalists, the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate called on Sunday for national and international mass media to boycott the Palestinian Authority (PA)’s presidency and government.

In a statement, the syndicate called for PA Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh to fire the Palestinian police chief for not affording protection to journalists, banning them from covering the anti-PA protests, and allowing undercover forces to attack them.

The syndicate called for prosecuting the aggressors and asked Shtayyeh to apologize to journalists and to pledge to respect their work and freedom of expression.

If the PA’s aggression on journalists continues, the syndicate warned, other measures would be taken in the meantime.

The syndicate also called for protesters not to harass journalists or undermine their work as “they are merely reporters, not part of the incidents.”

The syndicate asserted that it would start filing criminal complaints against those involved in the attacks against journalists.

(MEMO, PC, Social Media)

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