Tensions in Jerusalem Rise with Forced Evictions (LIVE BLOG)

Saturday, May 8, 11 am (GMT+3)

“The European Union calls on the authorities to act urgently to de-escalate the current tensions in Jerusalem,” said EU spokesperson, demanding respect for the status quo following “Israeli” raid into al-Aqsa Mosque.

Saturday, May 8 1o am (GMT+3)

Qatar condemned the Israeli police’s “storming” of the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound and the “attack on worshippers”.

In a statement, the foreign ministry said it was a “provocation to the feelings of millions of Muslims around the world, and a severe violation of human rights and international accords”.

Qatar urged the international community to work to end “repeated Israeli aggression” against the Palestinians and Al-Aqsa.

Saturday, May 8, 8 am (GMT+3)

Jordan, the custodian of Islamic sites in Jerusalem, said “Israel’s continuation of its illegal practices and provocative steps” in the city is a “dangerous game”.

“Building and expanding settlements, confiscating lands, demolishing homes and deporting Palestinians from their homes are illegal practices that perpetuate the occupation and undermine the chances of achieving a just and comprehensive peace, which is a regional and international necessity,” Jordan’s Foreign Minister Ayman al-Safadi tweeted.

Saturday, May 8, 5 am (GMT+3)

The United States said it was “deeply concerned” about the events and called on all sides to work to de-escalate them. It also expressed concern about the evictions.

“It’s critical to avoid unilateral steps that would exacerbate tensions or take us further away from peace. And that would include evictions, settlement activity, and home demolitions,” US State Department spokeswoman Jalina Porter told reporters in Washington.

Friday, May 7, 1o pm (GMT+3)

Israeli forces fire bombs at a clinic full of doctors and patients inside the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound.

Friday, May 7, 1o pm (GMT+3)

Over 200 Palestinians were injured as Israeli occupation police broke into the courtyards of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in the Old City of occupied Jerusalem, according to witnesses.

Police officers fired rubber-coated rounds and stun grenades at hundreds of worshipers attending night prayers at the compound, injuring at least 53 of them. The injuries were reportedly focused on the eyes and heads. 23 of the wounded were moved to the hospital for medical treatment, while the remainder were treated at the scene by local medics.

Dozens of worshipers were also arrested by the attacking forces.

Friday, May 7, 3 pm (GMT+3)

The UN’s rights office urges Israel to call off any forced evictions and warned its actions could amount to “war crimes”.

Friday, May 7, 1 pm (GMT+3)

Following the protests, Ben Gvir evacuates his “office” in Sheikh Jarrah.

Thursday, May 6, 10 pm (GMT+3)

Fifteen Palestinians are arrested in East Jerusalem as Israeli police responded with brute force to protests being held against the forced eviction of Palestinian residents.

Thursday, May 6, 8 pm (GMT+3)

Israeli far-right politician Itamar Ben Gvir provocatively establishes a makeshift parliamentary chamber in  Sheikh Jarrah.

Thursday, May 6, 4 pm (GMT+3)

The Israeli Supreme Court postpones its ruling on the eviction of several Palestinian families from the occupied East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah, amid high tensions in the city.

Another hearing will be held on May 10.

Wednesday, May 5 

Palestinian families reject the “deal” with the Jewish settlers. 

Israeli occupation forces violently attack protesters in the Jerusalem neighborhood.

Sunday, May 2

Following an Israeli Supreme Court decision last February, at least six families have been ordered to vacate their homes located in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah by May 2.

The same court ruled seven other families should leave their homes by August 1. In total, 58 people, including 17 children, are set to be forcibly displaced to make way for Israeli settlers.

Israeli occupation forces assault and disperse dozens of Palestinian nonviolent protesters while holding a sit-in in Sheikh Jarrah.

The Israeli Supreme Court requests that the Palestinian families reach an “agreement” with the Jewish settlers by Thursday, , whereby Palestinian families renounce ownership rights to their homes and continue to live there as tenants.

(The Palestine Chronicle, WAFA, Agencies, Social Media)

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