Online Event: Loved Ones, Families of the Incarcerated

LOVED ONES: FAMILIES OF THE INCARCERATED will combine voices from Palestine with voices from Seattle to reveal the destructive impacts of mass incarceration on mothers, sisters, brothers, fathers and children of those in detention.

Drawn from interviews with friends in Seattle, Israel and the West Bank, LOVED ONES will honor Palestinian Prisoners Day while showing the many parallels between the experience of the Black community in this country and the Palestinian community under Israel’s occupation.

The short performance will be followed by comments and discussion with Cassandra Butler, local organizer and advocate with the Black Prisoners Caucus, Free Them All, and other groups: and Ramzy Baroud, director of and author of These Chains Will Be Broken: Palestinian Stories of Struggle and Defiance in Israeli Prisons.

Free admission. Click here to receive a Zoom link and more information.

Performed by Camella Cooper and Dunya Productions members Hanna Eady, Jenna Eady, and Annette Toutonghi.

Adapted and directed by Hanna Eady and Edward Mast.


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