Jerusalem Uprising Rages after Israeli Far-Right March (LIVE BLOG)

The Jerusalem uprising, as it has been dubbed (in Arabic intifada al-Quds), raged last night in occupied Jerusalem for the 11th night in a row in protest against Israeli police and settlers’ provocations and assaults on the city’s Palestinian residents, and expanded to reach the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Fri, April 23, Gaza

In Gaza, dozens of Palestinians gathered at the border in the north of the Gaza Strip where they clashed with Israeli soldiers across the border. Israeli soldiers opened fire at the Palestinians injuring three people.

People in the Gaza Strip also demonstrated in the cities against Israeli actions in occupied Jerusalem, and several projectiles were fired from Gaza last night and fell in southern Israel without causing any injury or damage.

Fri, Apri 23, West Bank

The Palestinian Red Crescent treated 13 injuries from last night’s clashes with Israeli soldiers at Qalandia checkpoint, north of Jerusalem, and at the DCO checkpoint, north of Ramallah, two of them were taken to hospitals. The clashes broke out last night in support of the Jerusalem uprising and against Israeli treatment of the Palestinians in the holy city.

Fri, Apri 23, Jerusalem

The Palestinian Red Crescent said it treated 20 people injured in the clashes with police in and around the old city of Jerusalem, four of them were transferred to hospitals in the city while the rest were treated at the location.

It also treated 13 injuries from last night’s clashes with Israeli soldiers at Qalandia checkpoint, north of Jerusalem, and at the DCO checkpoint, north of Ramallah, two of them were taken to hospitals. The clashes broke out last night in support of the Jerusalem uprising and against Israeli treatment of the Palestinians in the holy city.

Jewish settlers attacked Palestinian homes and property in the neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails at homes and cars. One Palestinian woman was injured in the head when settlers threw rocks at a car she was in.

Thu, Apr 22, Jerusalem

Over 100 Palestinians were injured and 50 others were detained in nightly violent clashes with Israeli police and Jewish settlers amid simmering tensions surrounding the holy month of Ramadan in the occupied city of East Jerusalem.

Violent clashes broke out between extremist Jewish settlers and Palestinians after some 300 extremist Jewish settlers marched towards Damascus Gate outside the Old City of Jerusalem, shouting “Death to the Arabs” and “Arabs get out”.

The Israeli Lahava terror group, which advocates killing Palestinians in Jerusalem and taking over their homes, joined the police in attacking the city’s Palestinian residents.

Tue, April 13

Around 70,000 Palestinians take part in the worship every night, and police continued to attack the people and close the area with metal barricades in an effort to prevent people from hanging around Damascus Gate, one of the main gates to the old city of Jerusalem.

Mon, April 12

The Jerusalem uprising started with the advent of the holy Muslim fast month of Ramadan when  Israeli police cut off wires to loudspeakers at Al-Aqsa Mosque minarets in Jerusalem to prevent the call for prayer that alert people to the start and end of the fast as well as the time for prayers.

Israeli police harassed Jerusalem residents leaving Al-Aqsa Mosque, one of the main worship destinations for devout Muslims during the month of Ramadan, following the night prayers and who usually gather at Jerusalem’s old city Damascus Gate plaza to celebrate Ramadan nights.

Police not only harassed but also attacked and forced the hundreds of people who gathered at the plaza to leave the area, often leaving many injuries and people detained by police.

(The Palestine Chronicle, WAFA, Agencies)

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