Thousands of Palestinians Rally in Tamra against Israeli Police Complicity in Crime Wave

Thousands of Palestinian protesters took part in a central rally today in the city of Tamra, in the district of Acre, to express their resentment over Israeli police complicity in the ongoing crime wave and collaboration with outlaws.

The crowds rallied at the Clock Square in the city and marched towards adjacent Route 70 and blocked it to the traffic in both directions for some time.

Among the protesters were mayors of Arab communities, Palestinian MPs, members of Palestinian political groups, and representatives of the civil society.

Palestinian citizens of Israel make up about 20 percent of the country’s nine million people

By law, their rights are equal to those of Jewish citizens. But in practice, they suffer discrimination in employment, housing, policing, and other essentials.

Palestinians have long accused the Israeli police of turning a blind eye to gun violence among Palestinian citizens of Israel and even complicity with criminal gangs.

(WAFA, PC, Social Media)

The post Thousands of Palestinians Rally in Tamra against Israeli Police Complicity in Crime Wave appeared first on Palestine Chronicle.

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