Palestinians Protest against Netanyahu’s Visit in Nazareth

Hundreds of Palestinians, including members of a coalition of Arab parties known as the Joint List, held protests in northern Nazareth province as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited a vaccination center, Anadolu reports.

Several demonstrators, including lawmakers, were slightly injured as clashes erupted between Israeli security forces and Palestinian protesters.

Police detained nine protesters, according to the state-owned KAN channel.

Critics say that Netanyahu’s visit, his third to an Arab city in two weeks, can be evaluated as part of the Likud party’s efforts to court Arab voters.

Aiming to increase votes before the March 23 national elections, Netanyahu said in Nazareth that a “new era” has begun between Arab citizens and Jews for well-being, integration and security.

“Arab citizens should fully be a part of Israeli society,” Israeli daily Haaretz quoted Netanyahu.

Israel will hold snap elections after parliament failed December 22 to meet a deadline to pass a budget.

The ruling Likud party headed by Netanyahu and its coalition partner, the Blue and White party, led by Defense Minister Benny Gantz, could not agree on a budget.

(MEMO, PC, Social Media)

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