Palestine Activist Wins Case against ‘World-Check’ after Name Wrongly Placed on ‘Terror List’

British-Palestinian Zaher Birawi has won a case against World-Check after the site wrongly included his name on its “Terrorism List”.

Refinitiv Ltd, which owns World-Check – which describes itself as a database of Politically Exposed Persons and heightened risk individuals and organizations, has been ordered to pay Birawi compensation for damages caused as a result of the error in the listing, a press release by the chairman of EuroPal Forum said.

“Following two and a half years of continuous efforts, my legal team, authorized to pursue this case on my behalf, succeeded in forcing World-Check, (owned by Refinitiv Ltd), to remove my name from its lists, where it wrongly and without justification or evidence, classified me on its Terrorism list,” Birawi explained.

“My legal team relied primarily on the fact that there has never been any legal sentence passed against me by any official authority in any state anywhere in the world, and that never have I been found to have been involved in any illegal acts which could be deemed within the scope of terrorism crimes.”

“World-Check”, he continued, “relied on this ‘Terrorism’ classification based on lists prepared by the State of Israel, as well as inaccurate news websites that were likely driven by political motives and agendas not based on objective evidence.”

“I have no doubt that everything that was published in these sources was due to my active role in defending the rights of my Palestinian people who live under occupation and because of my political activities to expose the racism of the Israeli occupation state.”

He continued:

“I wish … to affirm that all attempts to tarnish my reputation will never affect my determination to pursue my duties and political activities in Europe to defend a cause which I see as my national cause and the rights of my people who live under the racist Israeli occupation regime, nor will they stop or hinder my efforts towards exposing the racism and crimes of the occupation state.”

(MEMO, PC, Social Media)

The post Palestine Activist Wins Case against ‘World-Check’ after Name Wrongly Placed on ‘Terror List’ appeared first on Palestine Chronicle.

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