Prominent Palestinian, Arab Public Figures Issue Letter of Solidarity with Corbyn

A group of prominent organizations, along with Palestinian and Arab public figures, issued a letter of solidarity with British MP Jeremy Corbyn following the decision of the Labor Party to suspend him based on ‘allegations of anti-Semitism.’

The letter described Corbyn as a “principled man who continuously stood in support of social justice and freedom of mankind” regardless of faith, ideology, gender, or political views.

The letter valued MP Corbyn’s protracted support of the Palestinian cause, considering it a compensation for the responsibility which Great Britain, as a colonial power, holds towards the Palestinian cause and people.

“Great Britain as a mandatory power bears an ethical responsibility for creating the Nakba and for its failure to abide by the League of Nation Charter (Article 22) to place Palestine on the path to independence and self-determination, while it succeeded remarkably in the implementation of the Balfour Declaration, whose 104th anniversary coincides with the unjust decision taken against Corbyn,” the letter read.

The signatories denounced the anti-Semitism accusations made by the Labor Party against Corbyn labeling them unfair and a “malicious attempt to cover Israeli oppression, injustice and war crimes which were, and are being, committed against us for long decades by Imperialism and colonial Zionism”.

The letter reiterated that exposing Israeli crimes against the Palestinians is in no way a form of anti-Semitism. On the contrary, the signatories considered that “covering up Israeli crimes against the Palestinians is an insult to the memory of all innocent Jews who lost their lives in the Holocaust.”

The signatories described Corbyn as “a strong fighter against racism including anti-Semitism and reaffirmed their support of his stances in fighting anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and all forms of racism.”

Jeremy Corbyn is an MP for Islington North since 1983 and has served as the leader of the Labor Party and leader of the opposition from 2015 to 2020. On the political left of the Labor party, he identifies himself as a democratic socialist.

Click here to see the full list of signatories

(The Palestine Chronicle)

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