Israeli PM Netanyahu to Make First UAE Trip Next Month

Israel’s prime minister is scheduled to visit the United Arab Emirates for the first time next month, according to local reports.

Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to Abu Dhabi is a response to an official invitation from Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed, Ynet News said on Monday.

No dates have yet been specified for the trip to the UAE but it is expected to be the first of its kind following the controversial normalisation deal between the two countries.

The UAE led the way in forging ties between the Gulf and Israel, announcing its decision in August before Bahrain followed suit a month later.

Both Gulf states signed the US-sponsored normalization accords with Israel on September 15 at the White House, despite fierce opposition by Palestinian factions who see it as a “betrayal” for breaking with years of Arab League policy on the conflict.

The agreement is considered a severe blow to Palestinian efforts aimed at isolating Israel regionally and internationally until it ends its military occupation and apartheid-like system in occupied Palestine.

(Palestine Chronicle, Al-Araby Al-Jadeed, Social Media)

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