Far-Right Italian MP Nominates Netanyahu for Nobel Prize over Normalization Agreement

An Italian MP from the far-right Northern League Party has nominated Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for a Nobel Prize due to the recent normalization deal his country agreed with Gulf states the UAE and Bahrain.

MP Paolo Grimoldi put Netanyahu’s name forward for the illustrious peace prize on Wednesday, whose past winners include Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela and Mother Theresa.

Grimoldi said he was nominating the right-wing Israeli premier due to the controversial normalization agreement agreed with the autocratic Gulf nations.

“Among the many actions undertaken by Mr. Netanyahu, I will mention the three main ones which are very important for world peace: the peace agreement with the Emirates, the peace agreement with the Kingdom of Bahrain, and the development of ‘a real in-depth dialogue with Saudi Arabia,'” Grimoldi said, according to Israeli media.

“All these efforts have led to the opening of Saudi airspace to Israeli planes. All these achievements were not conceivable a few months ago. For that, Mr. Netanyahu deserves to be laureate of the Nobel Peace.”

The announcement comes a day after Netanyahu met with Bahraini and Emirati officials to ink the US-brokered accord in the White House.

The country of Bahrain became the latest Arab nation to normalize ties with Israel, less than a month following a similar decision by the United Arab Emirates.

The Bahraini decision, which was announced by US President Donald Trump on Friday was made despite repeated assurances that Manama will not extend diplomatic ties with Israel until Palestinians obtain their rights in accordance with international law.

The Bahrain-Israel agreement came as another shock to Palestinians who still didn’t recover from the news of the UAE-Israel normalization.

(Palestine Chronicle, Al-Araby Al-Jadeed, Social Media)

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