Jewish Settlers Torch Dozens of Olive Trees near Nablus

Jewish settlers today torched dozens of olive trees in the Palestinian town of Burin town, near the West Bank city of Nablus, according to the Palestinian news agency WAFA.

Ghassan Daghlas, who monitors settlement activities in the northern West Bank, told WAFA that a group of Jewish settlers, who came from the illegal colonial settlement of Yitzhar, set fire to olive groves to the south of the town.

Meanwhile, Israeli forces uprooted more than 200 olive trees in the area of Yasuf village, northeast of Salfit.

The destruction of Palestinian olive trees by Israeli soldiers and Jewish settlers has become routine in recent years.

Between 500,000 and 600,000 Israelis live in Jewish-only settlements across occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank in violation of international law.

(Palestine Chronicle, WAFA, Social Media)

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