Israeli Soldiers Destroy Palestinian Coronavirus Testing Booth near Jenin

Israeli soldiers destroyed a coronavirus testing booth set up by Palestinian security at the entrance to the northern West Bank city of Jenin in order to contain the spread of the disease, and injured a Palestinian man during clashes at the city’s refugee camp, according to the Palestinian news agency WAFA.

Local sources told WAFA that Israeli soldiers raided the city and its refugee camp early this morning to arrest activists when clashes broke out with residents. The soldiers opened fire at the Palestinians injuring one in the leg before leaving the area after detaining two people and destroying the anti-corona checkpoint.

In another incident, Israeli soldiers shot and injured a 17-year-old Palestinian in Jalazoun refugee camp, near Ramallah, during an army raid-an-arrest campaign in the camp today.

The youth was taken to Ramallah hospital with an injury to the leg. He was reported in stable condition.

Israeli forces on a regular basis storm Palestinian cities and villages in the occupied West Bank to arrest Palestinian popular activists. 

In March, the Geneva-based Euro-Med Monitor urged the international community to protect Palestinians and force Israeli soldiers to stop incursions of cities and towns that threaten preventive measures taken by the Palestinian Authority to control the outbreak of coronavirus.

It also called for investigating the suspicious behavior of a number of soldiers and Jewish settlers, which appeared to be an attempt to spread the infection and hold those responsible to account.

(Palestine Chronicle, WAFA, Social Media)

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