Israeli Bulldozers Demolish Two Palestinian Houses in West Bank

Israeli forces demolished two houses near Yatta on Thursday, in the southern occupied West Bank, according to the Palestinian news agency WAFA.

Rateb Jabour, from the anti-wall, anti-settlements popular committees in the south of the West Bank, told WAFA that Israeli bulldozers demolished two Palestinian-owned houses in the village of Lesfayier, southeast of Yatta, under the pretext that they were built without a permit.

‘Capturing Occupation’: Talking to the Human Rights Defenders of Hebron

In this episode of Palestine Chronicle TV, we chat with members of Hebron’s ‘Human Rights Defenders’.As illegal Jewish settlers (colonists) increase their attacks on Palestinian civilians in the occupied city of Al Khalil (Hebron), the people of the Palestinian city continue to mount a campaign of popular resistance. One of the channels of resistance is Human Rights Defenders, “a grass-roots, non-partisan Palestinian organization working to support nonviolent popular resistance through popular direct action and documentation of human rights violations committed by the Occupation.” To understand the situation in Hebron better, we speak to Badee Dwaik, Head of Human Rights Defenders, Raghad Neiroukh, a journalist, and Flora Thomas, a photographic artist.

Posted by The Palestine Chronicle on Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Jabour added that the two houses are inhabited by more than 10 people; the lands on which the houses were built are close to the illegal Jewish settlement of Beit Yatir.

According to the human rights group B’tselem, “over the years, Israel has demolished hundreds of houses as part of this policy, leaving thousands of Palestinians homeless”.

(Palestine Chronicle, WAFA, Social Media)

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