Song of the Besieged – A Poem (VIDEO)

Inspired by Gaza’s Great March of Return, the poem ‘Song of the Besieged’ was written and performed by Samah Sabawi, with music by young Palestinian Australian composer Nahed ElRayes.

Song of the Besieged

The UN said Gaza was ‘unliveable’

but life beyond liveability in Gaza is inevitable

like the rainfal

… and the winter storms

ferocious it grows like dandelions

it powers through like inexorable love

like an irresistible kiss

like the birthing of new life

beyond the statistics of death

life beyond liveability in Gaza is inevitable

like the sun rise


like the movement of the tides


like flowers in the desert


like a smile on the lips of the beloved


like a word that splits bullets in halves


like a revolutionary march


like the earth’s rotation


like a fist in the face of occupation

undeniable like destiny…

like freedom from tyranny…

like justice for refugees…

so listen carefully

two million captive hearts are beating off rhythm

there is no harmony beyond liveability

only the inevitable

beware the inevitable

– Samah Sabawi is a Palestinian-Australian-Canadian writer, commentator, author, and playwright. She has written and produced the plays Cries from the Land (2003) and Three Wishes (2008), both successfully received in Canada. In 2014, Sabawi completed a sold-out season of the play Tales of a City by the Sea, which had an Arabic production by Al Rowwad Theatre in Palestine and an English production by La Mama Theatre in Melbourne, Australia. She contributed this poem to The Palestine Chronicle

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