Jewish Settler Convicted in Arson Attack that Killed Dawabsheh Family

An Israeli court has convicted a Jewish settler guilty of racially motivated murder in a 2015 arson attack that killed a Palestinian couple and their baby in the occupied West Bank.

Israeli prosecutors said Amiram Ben-Uliel chose the Dawabsheh family home and another dwelling in Duma village, near Nablus, on the assumption they were inhabited and, before firebombing them, spray-painted “Revenge” and “Long Live King Messiah” on their walls.

The arson attack killed 18-month-old Ali Dawabsheh. His mother, Riham, and father, Saad, later died of their wounds. Ali’s four-year-old brother Ahmad survived with burns on his body.

Ben-Uliel’s triple conviction on Monday by the Lod District Court carries a potential life sentence.

The 25-year-old was also found guilty of two counts of attempted murder and two of arson but was acquitted of a charge of belonging to a “terrorist” organization.

In response to the verdict, Hussein Dawabsheh, Ahmed’s grandfather, said he “feels that the trial was for others, not for me. It won’t bring back my daughter; her husband and my grandson won’t return, but I don’t want another child to be in Ahmed’s place. We experienced a great trauma, and I won’t forget it in 100 years. I don’t want this to happen to another family.”

In a statement, the Shin Bet security service called the court’s decision “an important milestone in the battle against Jewish terror”. Ben-Uliel’s crimes, it said, are a “severe crossing of a red line.”

(Palestine Chronicle, AJE, Social Media)

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