Israeli Forces Kill Palestinian Man at Military Checkpoint near Jerusalem

A Palestinian man was shot dead by Israeli border police at a checkpoint near Jerusalem, an Israeli police report said on Wednesday.

According to Israeli newspaper Haaretz, the Palestinian man – whose identity was not revealed – rammed a vehicle into the military checkpoint.

The man was reportedly armed with scissors and ‘moderately’ injured one of the police officers.

The Israeli checkpoint of Abu Dis is part of an illegal separation barrier that divides the Palestinian village from the rest of Jerusalem.

“In 2019, Israeli security forces killed 133 Palestinians, including 28 minors. Of the casualties, 104 were killed in the Gaza Strip, 26 in the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and three within Israel,” Human Rights group B’tselem reported. 

“Most of these deaths were a direct outcome of Israel’s reckless open-fire policy, authorized by the government and military and backed by the legal system,” the group added.

(Palestine Chronicle, Al-Araby Al-Jadeed, Social Media)


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